You have to rise from the army to become a commander!

You have to rise from the army to become a commander!

By Romaisa A Muhaimin

With China’s technical assistance, Pakistan is moving towards space travel for the first time, iCube Qamar successfully entered the lunar orbit. In this research trip to the space world, it is hoped that not only Pakistan’s space capabilities will increase, but the equipment used in the mission will make this exploration of geology more effective and informative.

The successful completion of the mission will not only benefit future generations and encourage them but also prove to be a representative step forward in advancing space exploration in the global space community. When a nation falls into backwardness, not only its future but also its past is shattered and the historical example of this is the ignorance of Islamic countries several hundred years ago. The Golden Age of Islam, which is remembered as Nishat-i-Sania, draws attention to a golden age of the Islamic world in which the people and their lifestyle reached the peak of economic, social and social prosperity. . Not only for the sake of livelihood, every aspect of life which is a guarantee of improving the quality of life was at the peak of Bihar. But it is a pity for the ignorance of the Muslims of the time, who could not write down the golden print of this Islamic golden age. Because of this serious accident, those valuable lessons in which scientists, engineers, scholars, businessmen, strategists who are in their respective fields In was active in researches and creations and entitled to the crowning glory of this society lost in the black clouds of oblivion and it captured the Ashraf al-Mukhaluqat in Western culture and slavery through Western education which resulted in Islamic social structure Many things which were clearly wrong in Islam started to be accepted as a part of the society and we started to measure Islam on the scale of good and bad by leaving right and wrong and thus the believers started to be satisfied with being called Muslims only. There is a hadith that near the Day of Judgment, the Muslims will be numerous, but it will be difficult to identify the believers among them.

Thousands of years ago, when the First Crusade took place, Christians have been engaging in killing Muslims for the sake of God, believing them to be temptations. The land and ideological war is a special level of violence in which not only the military, the paramilitary, the civilians, the children, the elderly, but every soul is affected, the generations of families have been wiped out, and international and Islamic actors are involved in this conflict. Gaza is suffering from the most severe human crisis. There is a blockade of the usurpers on the means of sustaining life. An endless series of monstrous oppression continues. The scene of such helplessness of the Muslim Ummah and Muslim countries and the rulers of the time has rarely been seen by the sky and the universe. Without a doubt, Israel is a small state with a population of 9 million and a small area, in which the number of occupying Jews is around 74%, but the real strength of the Israeli killers is not the Israeli army, but the 97 strongest states that Israel They are sitting in their tails . The land of Palestine is the land of prophets, this holy land is the birthplace of the prophets of most religions, Bait al-Maqdis, Jerusalem, Al-Quds city is one but there are many names, this holy land is the guarantor of faith and monotheism of the Muslim Ummah In 1979, the leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, named Juma Al-Wuda as the Day of Al-Quds. The purpose of which is to make the Palestine issue alive and responsible in the eyes of the Muslim Ummah. The holy land is calling the believers. As a result of the barbaric bombardment on the oppressed Palestinians of Gaza, young people are trying to resist the Israeli murderous army with stones in their hands. The moments of silence of other Muslim organizations including OIC is thought-provoking. Palestine is a problem of humanity, but it is a matter of faith for Muslims, fighting for it and fighting for it and dying to get it back should be a vital concept. There is no room for ambiguity in the fact that the support of the oppressed Kashmiris and Palestinians is a renewal of the stand of the founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Janna. As Pakistanis, we should continue to play our linguistic and financial part in this fight to keep this renewal of humanity and fulfillment of faith fresh at the individual, collective and civic level and avoid underestimating it in any way and keep this renewal alive for generations. We should make an effective effort to convey to God. Without a doubt, our testimony before God will prove the possibility of the lack of negative aspects of our actions.

The loss of hypocrisy and ignorance and criminal silence of the Muslim Ummah had to be borne by the Muslims from the era of Nishat Sania till today when we stood up and united and informed in the cause of Islam and the defense of faith and the implementation of Islam. The need to stay is the need of the hour. At this point, it is not about reaching the moon or crossing a race. It is necessary, but even more important is to use knowledge and ability to create a force that can bring about a revolution like Turkey. Such a revolution, as a result of which Al-Quds will be settled again in this land of prophets, the walls trembling with the fear of darkness will shine with joy and light, a power of faith that will be a cause of peace on the holy land and a lead full of fear for the oppressors. The wall, with the awe of which Caesar and Kasri trembled again And because of their bravery, Al-Quds once echoed with Takbeer. These are not words, and it should be the dream of a Muslim that he sees with open eyes and does not sit down until he builds his mosque in Al-Quds. Because history is a witness when Muslims have been silent and ignorant, they have been humiliated and today if Al-Quds is out of our hands, then tomorrow Kashmir and every land that is recognized by Islam will be occupied by the Jews and our situation will be worse than the Palestinians. The need is that every Muslim has to become the challenger of Omar, to become the sword of Saladin, to become a masterpiece of the Ottoman Empire, you have to rise from the army, to become a commander.