Who will favour Muslims as India pleases Hindus, Pakistan facilitates Sikhs

In this photo taken on August 9, 2019, Kashmiri Muslims shout pro-freedom slogans during a protest in Srinagar. - Big queues formed in Indian-administered Kashmir's main city on August 10 outside cash machines and food stores as authorities eased a crippling curfew to let the Himalayan region prepare for a major Muslim festival, residents said. (Photo by STR / AFP)

Karachi: Pakistan has tried its best to please the Sikh community while India favoured its majority Hindus. However the question arises that who else will please the Muslims living in Pakistan and India?

Muslims living on both sides of the border think that they are being ignored by their respective governments.

On Nov 9, Pakistan opened the Kartarpur Corridor to facilitate the Indian Sikhs while on the same day India announced to hand over the Babri masjid land to Hindus.

These two developments have left the Muslims on both sides deprived and ignored.