US footballer dies by hit of opposing player


NEW YORK: A New Jersey high school football player died after following an injury suffered by hit of an opposing player on the field on Friday night, media reports said.

Quarterback Evan Murray, a three-sport star at Warren Hills Regional High School died after being injured during a game in Washington, New Jersey.

Interim Superintendent Gary Bowen said in a statement released on Saturday that the school community was ‘deeply saddened’. However, the official did not disclose nature of Murray’s wounds.

The 6.2-feet-tall player played for Warren Hills Regional High School who died during a game at home against Summit following a hit by an opposing player late in the second quarter, media reports said.

Some witnesses said that the player felt “woozy” after the play but tried reassuring his teammates he would be fine as he was lifted on a gurney and rushed to the hospital.