LAHORE: Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said that upcoming election would lead to major change in Pakistan.
While talking to media in Mansoora, Sirajul Haq said that PTI had accepted the Judicial Commission’s verdict and joined the assemblies. He said that it was the responsibility of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to bring round JUI-F Chief Fazalur Rahman to withdraw de-seating motion.
JI Chief said that MQM should disown Altaf Hussain’s hate-inciting speeches, if it believe in democracy. He said that JI wanted federal and provincial governments to complete their tenure. He urged the ministers not to make crises for the government.
Sirajul Haq asked government and opposition to help flood-affectees despite fighting with each other. He said that government should make new dames.