Failed military coup: Sirajul Haq congratulates Turkish President Erdogan


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq on Saturday congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as whole nation expressed their respect and love to their elected government to fail attempt of military coup.

Sirajul Haq said that nobody could harm true democratic leadership of any country. He added international imperialism had also proved their conspiracies by overturning an elected government in Egypt as they did not want to provide chance to true leadership hailed by locals in Islamic countries. The JI Ameer predicted that President Mohamed Morsi will regain the government soon and Sisi will see severe consequences for imposition of martial law in Egypt.

He stressed that Panama Leaks is not an ordinary case as Pakistani nation will not tolerate corruption and corrupt leadership anymore. He said looters of national treasury are national criminals and they will be brought to justice soon when the current and previous government will face audit.

Poverty, inflation, unemployment and loadshedding are fruit of ineligible and corruption of Pakistani rulers, Siraj said. He clarified that the nation and Jamaat-e-Islami will not accept appointments in the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on political basis.

Sirajul Haq vowed Jamaat-e-Islami will protect women rights by providing them interest-free loans to provide them facilities of education, health and household crafts.

While commenting over government’s role in Kashmir dispute, Sirajul Haq said the nation is unsatisfied over unstable stance of the Pakistani government. The JI Ameer was expressing his thought while addressing annual workers’ session of Islami Jamiat Talibaat Punjab chapter. He said weak stance of the government disappointed not only the locals but also Kashmiris who are fighting war to secure Pakistan. He said 45 Kashmiris were brutally killed by Indian troops within a week, whereas, no medical facilities were being provided to more than 2000 wounded.

Hundreds of women and children were also tortured by Indian forces and later the innocent Kashmiris were pushed to prison cells besides injuring several protestors by rubber bullets, Siraj said.

He praised bravery of Kashmiri nation which provided them stand to stand firm against state terrorism by India to give clear message to international community for not losing their right of self-determination.

Commenting over appointments of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), impartial and honest appointments should be made in the institution to ensure holding of transparent election across the country.

Siraj reiterated that each national could be provided free medical and education facilities besides elimination of taxes and inflation if looted money of national treasury to be returned back to country from current and previous governments. He urged for proper distribution of resources to provide basic living rights to the nationals instead of seeking hefty loans from World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) on shameful conditions.