Tips to save yourself from kite-string injuries


Young Asif Shafiq was never know that this Ramazan was his life’s last holy month and he will not be to celebrate the coming Eid.

A resident of Faisalabad’s Railway Housing Colony Samanabad, Shafiq was en route on Novelty overhead bridge in the limits of Factory Area police limits when a string caused a serious injury to his throat. Unfortunately, Shafiq succumbed to his neck injury.

His death by kite string has sent a wave of shock and anger across city. The incident exposed the failure of authorities concerned in tackling kite flying and use of banned string.

To prevent such incidents in future here we suggest few tips to bikers.


Add a flexible Antenna: This is an effective measure is to erect/attach a flexible antenna to the front of your bike or scooter. This antenna will act as a barrier and can intercept kite strings before they reach you. This will reduce the risk of any fatal injury to the biker.


Wear Protective Gear: Wearing appropriate protective gear is important to stay safe on the road. Helmets having chin guards and jackets with high collars provide additional protection against kite strings and other hazards.


Avoid Crowded Areas: If possible, try to avoid riding through crowded areas where many people are flying kites. Choose alternative routes to minimize your exposure to kite strings and reduce the risk of accidents.


Watch Out for Kites: Keep an eye out for kites and stay alert, especially when riding through areas where kite flying is common.


These are the precautions a biker can follow to reduce the risk of kite string accidents. Remember, safety always comes first!