Sirajul Haq urges masses to unite against corrupt rulers


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has said that they would seek the support of all anti status quo forces having good reputation in its campaign against corruption and also approach the constitutional institutions in this regard.

Addressing the JI central workshop for party workers at Mansoora on Thursday, Sirajul Haq said that if the masses are united against the corrupt rulers, the plunderers would not be allowed to escape and those who had looted billions of the public money would have to account for their crimes.

The JI chief said that the rulers themselves were the biggest hurdle in the economic stability of the country as poor economy gave them the excuse to impose more taxes and raise the prices of utilities. Besides, they were keen to seek foreign loans even at most humiliating terms.

The JI chief said that the country’s economy could not improve unless the interest based system was abolished.

He said that more than 4 billion dollars of different Pakistanis lying in foreign banks were the public money which must be recovered.

Sirajul Haq said that armed terrorism was the outcome of economic and political terrorism. He said if the educated young men did not get jobs, they would resort to unhealthy activities and even crimes and feelings of unrest and revolt would arise in them.