Sirajul Haq urges masses to support JI for Islamic revolution


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the universal system of life revealed in the Holy Quran alone could guarantee world peace.

He was addressing the participants of an internal Qirat Conference held at Mansoora mosque Wednesday evening. Renowned Egyptian Qaris,  Qari Muhammad Nasar Tarooti, Qari Muhammad Hasan al-Khiat and Qari Sameh Sharqvi besides four  Pakistani Qaris participated in the Qirat competition.

Sirajul Haq exhorted the rulers to fear Allah instead of the colonial powers. If the rulers ensured the supremacy of the constitution which pronounced Allah as supreme law giver, the country would come out of the present crisis and march on the road to progress, prosperity and stability, he added.

He said that history bore witness that the nations who faithfully stuck to the Quranic guidelines, always rose to prominence. On the other hand, the nations which drifted away from the divine teachings, plunged into degradation and disappeared from the world scene.

The JI chief said that the noble Quran was a weapon with the Muslim world which was far more powerful than tanks and guns as it could win over the hearts of the human beings.

He added that the problems of mankind would be resolved only by returning to this holy book. He said the idols of secularism, socialism and capitalism all had trounced and the system given by the Creator of the universe provided guidance to humanity in every walk of life and at every step.

Sirajul Haq pointed out that the country’s constitution also demanded that the sovereignty of Allah Almighty be accepted and the Islamic teachings in social, economic and political spheres be adhered to.

It was unfortunate, he said, that the rulers were freely and continuously violating the divine teachings as also the constitution.

Monarchies had been established in the name of democracy in which the common man was being exploited and national resources were being swallowed.

He urged the masses to support the JI for an Islamic revolution which guaranteed the solution of their problems as also the progress of the country.