Sirajul Haq urges every Pakistani to plant a sapling


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, inaugurated the tree plantation drive Saturday by planting a sapling at Mansoora and appealed to every Pakistani to participate in the campaign in order to make Pakistan clean and green.

He appealed to the Ulema to highlight the importance of plantation from the pulpit and also urged students and the youth to plant a sapling each. He also urged the media to give special attention to the issue for creating awareness among the masses. JI Secretary General Liaqat Baloch also planted a sapling on the occasion. The ceremony was also attended by Maulan Abdul Ma’lik, former JI Karachi chief Muhammad Husain Mehnati, and other party leaders. .

Sirajul Haq said the JI had a vision of a green and prosperous Pakistan.  He said that in Europe, Green parties were working to improve the atmosphere but there was no such concept in our country. He said if every Pakistani planted a sapling every year, there would be an addition of 180 million plants every year on our soil and within years, the country would turn green.


He said if nature provided the JI an opportunity, it would include plantation as a party of study and every student would be given additional marks for planting trees.

He said the area under forests was reducing due to the negligence of the government. This resulted in shortage of rainfall, fall in food products and extreme weather. He said that by giving due attention to plantation, the country could overcome these problems.

Sirajul Haq directed the JI leadership at all levels to continue tree plantation throughout the year. He   said that saplings should be planted at educational institutions, mosques, houses and highways.