Sirajul Haq demands treason trial of MQM supremo


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has called upon the British government to hand over MQM leader Altaf Husain to Pakistan so that he could be tried for treason.

Addressing a convention of the Islamic Lawyers Movement Pakistan at Mansehra on Tuesday, he said “If the British government can’t control its citizen, it should hand him over to Pakistan so that he could be tried for hurting the collective conscience of two hundred million Pakistanis”.

Sirajul Haq demanded that Altaf Husain who had committed treason against Pakistan and her people should be brought to the country through Interpol and punished in accordance with the constitution.

He said that the elements raising slogans against Pakistan and describing her as an eye sore were themselves the biggest eye-sore on earth.

He said that Pakistan was destined to live forever but those wishing ill of her had been disgraced even in the past and would meet the same fate even in future.


Sirajul Haq said that the people of Karachi had been wronged in all respects as the MQM had always hurt their sentiments and aspirations. Altaf Husain and his coterie had tried to plunge Karachi into darkness under the cover of mandate.

Continuing, the JI chief said that Pakistan was created under the leadership of the Quaid e Azam who was an advocate, and a fresh movement on the pattern of the Pakistan movement was required for building Pakistan an Islamic and welfare state. He urged the lawyer community to play its role to ensure the supremacy of the constitution and the law.  He said that at present, the poor were unable to get justice or their rights as the doors of the courts were opened through wealth.

He said the courts had always sided with the rich and the powerful. Lakhs of cases were pending in the courts due to the shortage of judges. The litigants had to wait for decades for the decision of cases.

He said that when the JI came to power, it would be the responsibility of the government to plead the case of the poor and the oppressed, and justice would be provided to them at their doorstep.

Sirajul Haq said that a majority of the lawyers killed in the Quetta tragedy belonged to poor families and it was the responsibility of the federal and the provincial governments to support their families. He was sure that the blood of the Quetta martyrs would bear fruit and Pakistan would become a citadel of peace.

He said that peace in Balochistan was imperative for the development and the prosperity of the country, adding that the government and the security institute ions would have to ensure the security of the protection of the life and property of the masses in order to foil the enemy designs.

Sirajul Haq said that there was irrefutable evidence of India’s involvement in subversive activities in the country but the rulers were still talking of friendship with Modi and were not ready to listen anything against him.