Sirajul Haq condoles families of Hamid Gul, Shuja Khanzada


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Sirajul Haq expressed condolence while meeting with the families of fomer ISI chief Lieutenant-General (retd.) Hamid Gul and slain Punjab home minister Colonel (retd.) Shuja Khanzada on Wednesday (today).

Sirajul Haq said that Shuja Khanzada was a brave politician and his sacrifices would be praised by whole nation. JI Ameer has visited residence of Shuja Khanzada to condole his family members in Attock while he also met Hamid Gul’s sons, Abdullah Gul and Umar Gul, in Rawalpindi. He was also accompanied by JI Secretary General Liaqat Baloch.

He said that the government is responsible for provision of security to all Pakistanis and authorities should review their faults to void terror incidents. He added that anti-Pakistan powers wanted to destabilise  the country.

While meeting family of late Hamid Gul, Siraj said that Gul was not only the hero of Pakistan but also for the nationals of Afghanistan and Kashmir. He paid vital role to defeat Russia in Afghanistan while his services would be remembered for decades.

He urged international community to take notice of targeting innocent Pakistanis following Indian aggression on Line of Control (LoC) and Working Boundary.

He said that Rangers’ operation in Karachi brought major change in the metropolis and it cannot be termed unsuccessful on basis of an incident. He urged the government not to accept pressure as it has firm responsibility to implement the National Action Plan (NAP) as per mandate given by all political powers.