Sirajul Haq condemns Syrians’ massacre n Duma city


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has strongly condemned the massacre of hundreds of Syrians at the hands of the Syrian army in Duma city.

In a statement here on Tuesday, he said that Basharal Asad had massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrians during last four years and the entire Syria was giving the look of ruins because of persistent bombardment. Basharal Asad had crossed all limits of morality and was using destructive and prohibited arms and ammunition, he added.

The JI chief said that the world should have risen in protest against the brutal activities of the Syrian ruler but the UN and other world powers enjoying the patronage of the US, were a silent  spectator of the tyranny and oppression , and were rather prolonging that.

Sirajul Haq made an impassioned appeal to the humanity at large, especially the Muslim rulers, the international court for war crimes and the human rights bodies to take immediate steps to resolve the Syrian issue on humanitarian grounds.

He also sent a message to the Akhwanul Muslimoon leader in Syria, and other Syrian leaders to create unity in their ranks in order to get rid of the tyrant ruler.

He also impressed upon the Pakistan government to seek the cooperation of Saudi Arabia and Turkey in order to stop the bloodletting going on in Syria, Iraq and other Muslim states.