Siraj declares Shariat Court remarks ‘a direction to end interest based economy’


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the remarks of the Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court regarding interest were against the constitution which gave a categorical direction for winding up the interest based economic system.

Addressing Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he said that the Holy Quran and the Sunnah strictly prohibited interest /usury and Allah Almighty had termed interest as a war against Him. Therefore, the confusion being created in his regard by the Shariat Court Chief Justice was incomprehensible. He made it clear that the nation would not tolerate any steps in violation of the Quran and the Sunnah nor would it allow any effort to make the unanimous constitution be made controversial.

Sirajul Haq further said that  the nation was keenly awaiting the Panama leaks case judgment, and remarked that the Panama issue should not be made the Kashmir issue.  He was confident that the judgment in this historic case would close the door of corruption in the country. He said that if a few thousand plunderers were sent behind the bars to save the future of the country and the nation, it would not be a bad bargain.

Later, while addressing the Khatme Bukhari ceremony at Jamia Arabia Gujranwala, Sirajul Haq stressed upon the government to allocate adequate funds for the madrissahs which were providing education to around three million students.