Rulers want to mould Quran, Sunnah according to their wishes: Senator Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the Prime Minister’s demand from the Ulema to give a fresh narrative of Islam and Jehad was in fact a demand for moulding the Quran and the Sunnah according to his wishes.

Addressing a big Friday congregation at Mansoora, he said that Nawaz Sharif seemed to be unaware of the fact that nobody on earth had the right to alter the injunctions of Allah and His Prophet (PBUH).  Not to speak of the Ulema, even an ordinary Muslim could not even think of that, he said,.

Sirajul Haq said that Islam was the religion of peace and love in all respects. He said the Prime Minister should say in clear terms what kind of narrative he wanted from the Ulema that could help wipe out terrorism. However, he said, the Ulema could not dare to mould the commands of Allah and His Prophet on the Prime Minister’s desire to please the west.

He however added that if the Prime Minister announced withdrawing the government appeal in the Supreme Court against the Shariah Court decision on interest/usury thus ending his war against Allah and His Prophet, not only terrorism and disruption in the country would come to an end but also the country’s politics, economy and social order would fall on the right track.

The JI chief said that Jehad was the struggle to free humanity from tyranny and oppression and to promote faith, peace and love. He said that Islam termed the unjust killing of a single individual as the murder of the entire humanity, and conversely, saving a single human life as saving the entire humanity. Thus, linking Islam with terrorism and disruption was sheer ignorance.

He said it was a great misfortune that the country’s rulers had been misled by the western propaganda and were endorsing the western view. He said that every Muslim was a Mujahid and was struggling for peace.

Stating that the JI would continue its drive against interest, Sirajul Haq said that the constitutions of 1958, 1962 and finally 1973 had declared interest as prohibited and also called for its immediate end.  The article 38-F of the 1973 constitution provided for immediate abolition of interest based economy. In 1991, the Shariat Court had issued a verdict on this issue but the Nawaz Sharif government field an appeal in the Supreme Court against the judgment, and the Supreme Court issued a stay order.

As a result, the interest system still prevailed in the country. He said it was mainly due to this that the country’s economy had deteriorated and the common man was deprived of even the basic needs of life.

However, the government was shamelessly challenging this categorical divine injunction.