Rulers’ boats have started sinking in Pakistan: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan Ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq predicted that the government had nothing left to claim credit as it had wasted the nation’s time and wealth both while same tactics could not be continued so long.

Addressing a large Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he said that the government had neither developed the country nor protected its ideology and added that a government could not survive merely on the basis of propaganda.

He said it would have been better for the rulers to evolve a system for accountability of its own and others and added that the more Ehtisab was delayed, the greater would be the public wrath.

Sirajul Haq said that from the very first day, the JI had been stressing upon the rulers to evolve a system for accountability and for the recovery of the plundered public wealth. However, he said, the rulers delayed the matter to gain time. He said some people wanted to hush up the issues of Panama leaks, Dubai Leaks and London leaks so that the plunderers could digest the looted billions. However, he said, the tricks of these elements would not succeed.

The JI chief said that with the issuance of court notices, the boat of the government had started sinking and the government machinery had begun hue and cry. However, he said the rulers would not be allowed to flee. He said the masses were so much tired of the oppression and plunder of the government and that not a single voice would now be heard in their defense.

Sirajul Haq urged the judiciary to take notice of the utterances of Sindh Governor Ishratul Ibad and Mustafa Kamal against each other.

Referring to the women rights, the JI chief said that Islam had given such rights to the women folk as were not available in any other religion. He said that before the advent of Islam, the womenfolk were an oppressed lot. In the Holy Quran, there was specific mention of the women folk and Islam gave respect to the women as mothers, daughters, sisters and as wives.

Islam also gave the women the right to inheritance. He said that only two per cent secular people in the society were holding the entire society as hostage and were exploiting the women folk in the name of women rights.

Sirajul Haq said that the JI Ijtema at Aza Khel, in Khyber P. on October 22 and 23 would determine the future course of politics in the province and herald an Islamic revolution. The Aza khel Ijtema would be followed by an Ijtema of the JI Punjab at Lahore on October 28 to 30 and it would end with an Islam march which would be participated by a record number of people from all over the province.

He said the JI was representing the people from all over the country and it would not spare any efforts for safeguarding the ideological and geographical boundaries of the country.