Islamabad: The government has once again dropped an electric bomb on the people as an increase in the price of Rs5. 40 paise per unit was approved.
Nepra held a hearing on the fourth quarter adjustment of the financial year 2022-23, in which electricity was approved to be increased by Rs5.40 per unit under the quarterly adjustment.
This new increase in power price will be done in the fourth quarter adjustment of the year 2022-23. Nepra will issue a detailed decision on the quarterly adjustment later, while the hike will not be applicable to lifeline, K electric customers.
During the hearing, Nepra member Rafiq Shaikh said, “Pray for Allah to make it better, we also pay bills like consumers.”
It may be noted that the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) today held a hearing on the request of the state-owned distribution companies, in which the price hike was requested for the fourth quarter adjustment.
In the request from Fesco, Rs23.49, GAPCO has asked for an increase of Rs16.13 billion. HESCO had requested an increase of Rs9 billion and ISCO had also requested an increase of Rs9 billion. Rs31 billion on behalf of LESCO and Rs27 billion on behalf of Mapco. Pesco Rs9 billion, Kisco Rs7 billion, Sepco Rs5 and Tesco had asked for an increase of Rs4 billion.