Red Crescent plans to train 1.7 million volunteers for community development


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has a force of 1.7 million volunteers and it planned to train them in first aid, disaster management, blood donations for community development.

The Society will organize the volunteers as Red Crescent Corps (RCC) a modern form of National Cadet Corps to engage at least one person in every household around the country in active steps towards strengthening community resilience.

According to Dr Saeed Elahi, chairman PRCS the work of Red Crescent Society is well regulated and is beneficial for the local communities.

According to Pakistan Red Crescent Secretary General Dr Rizwan Naseer Red Crescent Corps plans to have its presence in entire length and breadth of Pakistan engaging youth from high schools, colleges, universities and other community organisations.

The young volunteers of Red Crescent Corps will be the first responders in case of any disasters at local level in their communities.

Dr Rizwan says people and communities are facing increasing risks to their health, livelihood and social well-being in Pakistan.

Even today almost 80% of the diseases are due to contaminated water and over 13 million population is chronic Hepatitis B and C carrier.

Similarly millions die due to non-communicable diseases in Pakistan and road traffic accidents have become the leading cause of death and disability amongst young bread-winners resulting in huge socio economic impact in Pakistan, he added.

He said Pakistan Red Crescent is in the process of identifying partners who can significantly contribute to community resilience for implementing or improving community first aid and disaster preparedness activities, early warning systems and water and sanitation and community health.