Rabi ul Awwal’s message is to establish the supremacy of the Shariah Muhammadi: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the real message of Rabi ul Awwal was to establish the supremacy of the Shariah Muhammadi all over the world and the enforcement of the all-embracing Nizam e Mustafa in the Muslim states.

Addressing a big Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he impressed upon the Muslim world to forge unity in its ranks and adopt a joint strategy for the revival of the Khilafat.

Sirajul Haq said that the life of the noble Prophet (pbuh) was a model for the mankind till the doomsday and the last and Final Prophet of Allah had given the best system of politics, economy, trade and governance to humanity and the Islamic system provided the solution to all human problems and ailments for all times.

The JI chief said that Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam. However, for the last seventy years, the country was being ruled by elements who had revolted against Allah and were slaves of the secular forces. These people were drifting the country and the nation away from Islam and the western laws were being enforced in the country as against the Islamic laws. The western culture of immorality and nudity was being promoted.

He said the enforcement of Deen would help eliminate exploitation, tyranny, immorality, interest based economy and also the violation of the women rights.

Sirajul Haq said that the elite ruling the country considered Islam as the biggest threat to their interests although Islam was the blessing for mankind. Islam disallowed maltreatment to others, burning of trees and crops whereas the followers of Kufr were even setting living human being on fire.

He said that the mental slaves of the west in the country had welcomed the advance of Soviet and the US forces in an Islamic country with clapping and these people were the biggest hurdle in the Islamic culture and system in the country.

Referring to the international Women protection Day on Nov. 25, Sirajul Haq said that Islam has given respect and dignity to the womenfolk in the relationship of a mother, a sister and a daughter.

On the other hand, the west was exploiting the women by projecting them as a market commodity and treating her as source of advertisement.  In the western countries, the women were being forced to work in factories in extreme cold with short dress. Islam, he said, was the greatest protector of women rights and had granted them the right of inheritance from the property of their father, brothers and husbands.