Public debt sustainability profile improves: Dar


ISLAMABAD: Federal Finance Minister, Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, chaired a meeting on debt management here at the Ministry of Finance Saturday.

Director General Debt gave a detailed briefing to the Finance Minister on debt management. He apprised the Finance Minister of the reforms that have been undertaken in the Debt Policy Coordination Office during the past three years.

He said that adoption of latest technology and methods has led to more efficiency and transparency in debt management.

The Finance Minister said that the sustainability profile of public debt has improved significantly during the present government.

He said that this fact has been acknowledged by international credit rating agencies in the form credit rating upgrades for Pakistan.

He appreciated the efforts of the Debt Policy Coordination Office and urged further improvement in debt management through adoption of best international practices and standards.

He advised Finance Division, Economic Affairs Division and the State Bank of Pakistan to ensure close coordination amongst each other in order to achieve further efficiencies in debt management.

The meeting was attended by senior officials of Economic Affairs Division, Finance Division and the State Bank of Pakistan.