Prgmea appreciated the initiative taken by Director General Trade Organizations,


KARACHI: Shaikh Mohammad Shafiq, Chairman Central, Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PRGMEA) appreciated the initiative taken by Director General Trade Organizations, Ministry of Commerce and Textile Division for holding consultative sessions across the country.

Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers Exporters Association (PRGMEA) has been nominated by Director General Trade Organizations, Ministry of Commerce and Textile Division as a “Coordinating Trade Organization” and is holding 1st Consultative Session on “Capacity Building of Secretary Generals and office bearers of licensed Trade Organizations (TOs)

Trade Organizations based in the Southern Region of Pakistan, as approved by the Regulator, holding their first session on Tuesday, March 06, 2018, at PRGMEA House, Karachi.

Licensed TOs offering collaboration will be given the status of “Coordinating TOs” for a lead role in holding the Consultative Sessions in different cities of Pakistan on a sustained basis.

This event is aimed at enhancing awareness of the legal trade bodies representing business communities engaged in trade, industry, and services sectors for improved regulatory compliance of the Trade Organizations Act and Rules, 2013.

Broad objectives for engagement with Coordinating TOs for Consultative Session activities include the following: –

Establish an active platform for mainstreaming legitimate trade bodies for improved compliance of regulatory requirements under relevant laws.

Create an environment to foster cooperation among TOs for increased awareness on implementation of Trade Organization Act 2013 and Rules made there under.

Assist licensed trade bodies to actively participate in implementation of key initiatives on trade through increased interactions for sharing updated information.

Encourage pro-active role of licensed TOs in development and promotion of sectors and regions in line with their respective Annual Plan of Activities and Performance Report.

Shaikh Mohammad Shafiq praised the efforts of DGTO that it is being held for the first time which will be very helpful to in post licensing requirements and renewal of the same as per provision of law. This will also restrict the fake organizations in obtaining the license from DGTO office.

The Directorate General of Trade Organizations, with a view to create required linkages amongst TO plans to hold Consultative Sessions on regular basis for the Licensed Trade Organizations of Pakistan and will be helpful to establish strong linkage between TOs & DGTO.