President Mamnoon Hussain’s message on Eid-ul-Fitr


Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain gave a special message of Eid-ul-Fitr 2015 by saying the day demanded whole nation to remember needy persons to add them in the Eid greetings. He congratulated whole nation on the event of Eid-ul-Fitr and prayed for blessings of Allah Almighty on Pakistan and on Pakistani nation. Eid-ul-Fitr is the important festival celebrated by Muslims after spending tough routine of prayers and fasting for whole month of Holy Ramadan.

‘The day teaches us unity and brotherhood to the Muslims which enrich passion of sympathy and selflessness. In Ramadan, exhibition of full mind control and addition of others in the Eid greetings mirrored image of Muslims as one nation around the world who always share sorrows and happiness to each other.’ President Mamnoon said.

‘Eid-ul-Fitr can also be called as thanksgiving day and the best example of thanksgiving is to always bow heads over blessings of Allah Almighty and to spend days and nights of whole life following orders of Allah Almighty. The day demanded us to help out needy persons around us to share happiness of Eid festival.’, he added.

He urged Pakistanis to select right channels for provision of Zakat, Fitra and Sadqat amongst needy persons as true Eid celebrations always meant by bringing happiness on every faces.

He finally prayed Allah Almighty to guiding Pakistanis to act in accordance of teachings of Islam and to make Pakistan as true example of peace and prosperity; and to clean Pakistan from every genre of extremism and terrorism.