PM urged to implement manifesto, not open new fronts: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami Senator Sirajul Haq has counseled the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to faithfully implement his election manifesto and stop opening new fronts.

Addressing a press conference at Mansoora on Saturday, he said that hue and cry over a press release was not advisable and added that a clash between two Sharif’s would harm the nation. It would be better if the government and the armed forces worked hand in hand for peace and for the development and prosperity of the country, he added.

The JI chief strongly condemned the terrorist incident in France and expressed deep grief over the killings there. He said that the international dealers of arms waned to plunge the world into a war only to sell their arms and ammunition. The arms merchants had become a persistent threat to world peace as they were always planning wars between states, and the Muslim states were their prime target.

He said that linking terrorism with Islam and the Muslim world was unfair and added that terrorism in every form and shape was condemnable.

Sirajul Haq said that there was no difference between the past government and the present PML (N) regime. The cancer corruption had spread all over in state institutions. The policies were being prepared on the dictation of the IMF and the World Bank due to which the county’s economy was heading towards ruin instead of progress, and every new born child was burned under debt.

The JI chief said that the Federal Finance Minister had burdened the masses with Himalaya size IMF loan of 68 billion dollars. He said it had become a routine with the rulers to lead lavish living by sucking the blood of the common man. Ironically, the state functionaries securing foreign loans returned home as heroes, lived in most costly hotels and traveled in big limousines. Such are not the ways of those who are debt, he remarked.

Sirajul Haq said that peace in Balochistan was imperative for the completion of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. In this respect, he said, Brahamdagh Bugti’s desire for political struggle and dialogue was highly appreciable. He said if Brahamdagh Bugti took one step forward towards dialogue, the government should move one hundred steps forward.

The JI chief said that India’s extremism was a grave threat to the regional peace. He urged the rulers in Islamabad to consider the bitter fact that India was using our brother Afghanistan against us and why we had failed to bring our Kabul around. “We should utilize all our resources to bring about rapprochement between the Afghan government and the Taliban, and instead of taking sides with the two, we should strengthen our ties with the Afghan brethren”.

Meanwhile, Secretary General, JI, Liaqat Baloch,has also expressed deep shock over the killings in France. He said it was tragic that terrorism had spread like cancer all over the world and innocent human beings were becoming a victim.

He urged the international institutions and world leadership to see reason, give up its partiality and double standards so that the factors behind extremism and terrorism could be wiped out.