PM giving top priority to HRD  . Zulfiqar Bukhari


Karachi:”Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed the Ministry to focus on development of human resource in the country as a priority. Our government strongly feels that leadership through people working in organizations and entrepreneurs managing the company are the real drivers of country’s economy and its development. The government is genuinely interested in initiatives taken by organizations like Employers Federation of Pakistan in supporting enterprises in improving work environment, developing people and take relevant measures to improve their role in uplifting in accelerating industrial growth in the country.” This was stated by Sayed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari, Special Assistant to Prime Minister and Minister of State for Overseas Pakistan and Human Resource Development, who was Chief Guest at the Employers of the Year Award Ceremony organized by Employers Federation of Pakistan.

Mr Bukhari appreciated the efforts of EFP for inspiring to invest in human resource development and participate in setting best examples of performance which will ultimately lead to improvement in efficiency, productivity and ultimate growth in the GDP and economy of Pakistan. He added that through business-friendly laws and regulations, both employers and workers could participate in the socio-economic development of each province and create conducive scenario for attracting foreign and local investment for expansion and growth in industry resulting in creating more employment and ensuring more welfare for the workers in the Province.

Mr Bukhari said that the government earnestly needs full support and cooperation of the business community in general and the private sector in particular who, with the support of their Human Resource and Management professionals and a productive workforce, can turn the tide towards a rapid socio-economic growth in Pakistan.

Earlier, Majyd Aziz, President of Employers Federation of Pakistan, in his welcome address said that EFP is the only national representative of the private sector that has been in the front line in advocating, motivating and lobbying for the cause of  employment and social policy, and imparting training in labor and social compliance of all national international standards.

Majyd Aziz further added that it is to the credit of EFP that it is now addressing economic issues through the recently formed EFP Economic Council, imparting skill development and vocational training through Skill Development Council, assisting members in legal matters through its EFP Legal Cell, and now representing members in National Industrial Relations Commission through setting up of a Special Purpose Vehicle by the name of All Pakistan Federation of Industries for becoming a member of NIRC and, in the process, becoming the first Employers Trade Union in Pakistan.

Majyd Aziz further informed that EFP in association with leading business schools will commence the first Post Graduate Diploma in OSH and first Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Labor Laws and Industrial Relations from January 2019. EFP has already commenced compiling of two books on “Labor Laws” and “Disciplinary Laws” in Pakistan to strengthen EFP legal help desk. These books will also contain interpretation of Labor Laws by superior courts. The EFP legal help desk is emerging as a strong instrument of assisting employers in resolving their legal issues in field of labor, environment, corporate, taxation, etc. He also said the EFP is in close coordination with MOPHRD and Workers Federations in promoting social dialogue, leading to social justice. EFP has been instrumental in preparing and getting approved the first Sindh Labor Policy.

Majyd Aziz strongly stressed that the federal government seriously needs to look into harmonization of Labor Laws and Minimum Wage structure in all four Provinces because anomalies arising after the 18th Amendment are causing hardships and barriers in smooth operation of their business enterprises. He stated that legislation for welfare of workers was introduced in proportion to the development of industries or done with political motives disregarding the dynamics of industrial relations. However, employers are endeavoring to promote workers welfare to an even greater extent than is demanded by law under the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, employers provide many perks and privileges than mandated by law. EFP has always endeavored to promote harmonious cooperation between employers and employees in accordance with national culture and traditions as well as motivating employers to comply with the eight core Labor Standards.

He further added that Pakistan has been handicapped by rising cost of doing business as well as ease of doing business. Despite these negative factors, employers usually tend to continue with the privileges and facilities given to their employees. Even in non-unionized enterprises, workers are provided more than what the law stipulates for them. This is a manifestation of the apathy among workers to unionize and this is a major factor in the allegations made by international organizations that Pakistan’s unionized workers are less than 1% of total labor force. He proposed that a re-visit of the labor welfare contributions be initiated and those employers who provide or undertake to provide social welfare should be exempted from contributing to workers welfare levies.

Majyd Aziz also proposed that export oriented enterprises must be given exemption from contributing to workers welfare levies but should be contributed by the Government from the Export Development Fund. The Government of India has allocated INR 2.50 billion for subsidizing labor welfare contributions for export-oriented industries. He added that if there is going to be a Naya Pakistan,  it should be understood by the PTI Government that until and unless fast track decisions on economy, industrialization, exports, and reduction and ease of doing business are not taken and implemented, it will be difficult and an arduous task to get Pakistan out of the economic and social quagmire.  

The ceremony was also addressed via video conferencing by Ms Ingrid Christensen, Country Director of ILO Islamabad, and CEOs and senior representatives from the Award winning 12 top companies. The ceremony was conducted by EFP Secretary General Fasihul Karim Siddiqui who also moderated the Panel Discussion on “Sharing Best Practices on Non-Discrimination Policies in Employment, Occupation, Gender, and Pay”. As the outcome of the Panel Discussion, a Task Force of 12 Champion Companies was formed who would promote of Principles of Non-Discrimination through factory-based training and expert group meetings. A Business Declaration on promoting Non-Discrimination Discrimination Policies in Employment, Occupation, Gender and Pay was unanimously adopted, The Panel also made recommendations to the Federal and Provincial Governments to introduce legislation on Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment opportunities in order to integrate ILO Conventions 100 and 111 into national laws.

Later, Zaki Ahmed Khan, Vice President EFP, announced the winners in four categories, that is, Multinational Companies, Large National Companies, Small and Medium Companies, and SME Chambers. Mr Bukhari presented the Awards to the winners. EFP presented its Crest to Mr Bukhari.