Peace impossible without liberation of Kashmir: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE:  Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has urged the rulers and the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir to jointly observe the year 2016 as the year of the liberation of Kashmir and added that world peace was not possible without the liberation of Kashmir.

Speaking at a seminar on the occasion of the Black Day arranged by the JI Hattian (Upper) on Tuesday, he said that India could not keep the Kashmiris its slaves on the force of eight lakh troops. He urged the Pakistan government and the Kashmir Committee Chairman Maulana Fazlur Rahman to convene an APC and decide that they would remain united till Kashmir was free.

Chief of the PML(N) AJK, Raja Farooq Hider, PPP’s Latif Akbar and JI Azad Kashmri chief Abdul Rashid Turabi also  spoke on the occasion.

Sirajul Haq said that October 27 was not merely a Black Day it was also a day of tyranny and oppression because on this day, Indian troops had entered Kashmir valley to deny the Kashmiris their basic rights. He said that the Kashmiris had fought the war despite their lack of resources. However, he said that  today, the Kashmiris were fully determined and also strong.  As such, no power could  obstruct their goal of freedom.

The JI chief said that the minorities in India had been affected because of Modi’s extreme policies, and a Member of the Indian parliament had openly stated that if Modi’s polices remained unchanged, another Pakistan was bound to emerge in India.

He said that the atrocities being perpetrated by occupation troops on the Kashmiri women folk made him restless and he had gathered the entire Kashmiri leadership on this day so that all of them agreed on a one point agenda, the liberation of Kashmir.

Sirajul Haq welcomed the union of the two factions of the Hurriat Conference in Held Kashmir under the leadership of Syed Ali Gilani and said that if the parties on this side of the LoC also forged unity, they would be a big force and no power could defeat them.

He stressed upon the rulers in Islamabad not to trade onions and potatoes with India, and instead talk of Kashmir alone, adding that this was the demand of the Kashmiri martyrs blood. He said that unity was the strength of the nation. “ We want peace but India is bent upon destroying peace”, he added.

Sirajul Haq said that the JI stood with the Kashmiri people in their hours of misery and trial and urged the entire nation to rise for the help of the quake hit people.

Addressing the conference, JI Azad Kashmir chief Abdur Rashid Turabi, said that the Kashmiris were fighting for the completion of the agenda of the division of the sub continent. He said that on this ominous day, India had occupied Kashmir but the Kashmiris had been struggling for their freedom. He said that the tribal people had fully helped the liberation movement.