PakistanSteel employees demand payment of salaries


Karachi:Pakistan-SteelAslam, the elected secretary of Passo, Asim Bhatti, General Secretary Ali Haider Gabol, Vice-Amir Jamiat-e-Islami Karachi Muhammad Islam and former President Haji Khan Lashari .

General Secretary Zafar Khan and others have said that the employees’ immediate payment of five months Quick steps should be taken for the payment and maintenance of the country, closure of abuses with the country’s sole foliage and its employees, or by proclaiming the immediate

schedule, will be protesting. He said this while addressing a large protest demonstration of employees. Deputy Amir-e-Islami-e-Islami-e-Islami Muhammad Islam, further added in his speech that abuses should be stopped with the employees of Pakistan Steel and immediately take steps to restore the steel mill, the gas of the institution should be restored or not the employees of the Jamaat-i-Islami Along with that, protest will be organized throughout the country.

Former President and General Secretary Haji Khan Lashari and Zafar Khan presented the introduction of the new elected passive union president Asim Bhatti and General Secretary Ali Haider Gabol, saying that the full-fledged approach to youth-led workers’ solution To prepare the institution and employees to get rid of the crisis. On the occasion, Shoaibullah, President of the TIPS President, Adil Khan, representatives of the Jamaat-e-Islami Zero zone, Zulfiqar Rahman and other union representatives were present.