Pakistan 4th largest country to provide medical practitioners to USA


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is the fourth biggest country to provide doctors to United States and at present 12000 Pakistani physicians and specialist doctors are working indifferent states.

It is expected that in near future Pakistan will become the third biggest country to provide doctors who fulfill the demand for international doctors in the USA, says a press release.

This was informed during a visit of a delegation led by Dr. Humayun J. Chaudhry President and Chief Executive Officer of Federation of State Medical Boards of United States to offices of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) on Monday.

The PMDC President along with its council members and PMDC staff welcomed the delegate.

A detailed presentation of PMDC functioning was given to him by President PMDC.

PMDC arranged visits for the delegate in public, private and military medical dental colleges i.e Army Medical College, Rawalpindi Medical College, CMH, Holy Family Hospital etc to brief about the medical and dental educational system of Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Dr.Humayun Chaudhry also attended a seminar regarding Pakistani medical and dental curriculum and licensure in Holy Family hospital jointly organized by PMDC and Rawalpindi Medical College.

The delegate Dr. Humayun Chaudhry appreciated the system of medical and dental education in Pakistan.

He said out of 12000 doctors in USA, 3100 doctors graduated from Dow University of Health Sciences, 1900 from King Edward Medical college and others from Agha Khan university and also Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore.

He apprised that the Pakistani national doctors in USA are having a very good repute and are considered the best doctors.

He added that he is very impressed that Pakistan is getting more advancement in the field of medicine and system of medical dental education and its standard is at par with the west.

Dr. Humayun J. Chaudhry is also the Chair-Elect of International Association of Medical regulatory Authorities (IAMRA) which has 107 members from 47 countries including Pakistan.

Since 2009 he is the President and Chief Executive officer of Federation of State Medical Boards FSMB of United states which co-owns the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).