PAF holds International Seminar on Air Power


ISLAMABAD: A two day International Seminar on Air Power (ISAP) with a theme “Air Power Application in Modern Era” commenced under the auspices of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) at Nur Khan Auditorium Air Headquarters Islamabad, on Thursday.

Chief of the Air Staff, PAF Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman attended the opening session of the seminar. Former Air Chiefs of PAF, senior serving and retired PAF Officers, Pakistan based foreign Defence / Air Attaches and select Academia notables from various educational institutions also attended the Seminar. Speakers and observers from different allied countries and PAF shared their views in the seminar on contemporary issues related to Air Power.

While delivering the inaugural address at the occasion, the Air Chief said, “The air power today enjoys credibility and importance more than any other time in its history. This glorious position owes much to the breathtaking pace of technology advance. The air power, irrespective of the type of the conflict and place of conflict, tends to accomplish the given set of objectives with the efficiency, economy and more importantly, without exposure of large number of ground forces to the enemy fire.

ISLAMABAD: Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force addressing the opening session of International Seminar on Air Power (ISAP) at Air Headquarters. APP
ISLAMABAD: Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force addressing the opening session of International Seminar on Air Power (ISAP) at Air Headquarters. APP

The main challenge for the air power is to continue to adjust to its ever expanding role in the security of a nation. The spectrum of conflict is constantly expanding, and being exploited most optimally by enemies who belong to both traditional and non-traditional categories.

The air power with its basic characteristics emerges as the best option in the most areas of the spectrum. Its unique attributes and capabilities provide a wide range of opportunities for application in all forms of warfare.”

Speakers from allied Air Forces of Turkey, Italy, Australia, Nigeria, UK, USA, China, France, South Africa and Jordan delivered lectures/ presentations during the ISAP.

The fundamental purpose of the interactive forum of ISAP is to provide opportunities to the participants about mutual learning, awareness and understanding of defence issues and especially the use of Air Power in irregular warfare.

The seminar would offer an excellent opportunity to augment diplomatic relations, military ties and cooperation between allied countries.