Nisar approves plan for re-verification of CNICs


ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday approved plan submitted by National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) for re-verification of CNICs of 25 million families.

The approval was given after a briefing given by the chairman National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) to the Minister, said a statement issued here on Monday.

The emergency re-verification of CNICs was launched by NADRA on the directions of the Minister according to the statement.

The multi-pronged strategy finalised by NADRA would include amnesty scheme, engaging the community through helpline, SMS service, reward system, family intrusion detection of data and across the board application of fraud detection.

According to the strategy, NADRA would use Pakistan Telecommunication Authority’s bio-metric sims verification data of almost 130 million mobile phone sim users.

NADRA would send short-message-service (sms) to the heads of the family requesting them to confirm their family tree (members of family).

“After receiving the text if there will be a false addition of any family member in the family tree then head of the family will send text message back to NADRA with a reply “No”,”the statement said.

After receiving any indication of suspected/alien in a family tree through sms would request the family head to approach the nearest NADRA office for re-verification of family tree.

This would help NADRA in identifying an alien in a family and would ultimately lead to blocking of his CNIC besides cancellation of passport if any.

NADRA in its strategy paper maintained that late data entry of any family member into a family tree would also help them in identifying alien entry into NADRA’s record.

NADRA would also set-up a helpline capable of handling 10,000 calls per day and an SMS gateway of 300,000 sms per day to facilitate general public who wanted to report suspected CNICs issued to aliens by NADRA.

The Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan also announced two months amnesty for NADRA employees to voluntarily come forward and declare any false data entries made by them for registration of aliens into NADRA’s database otherwise action would be taken against them.

Similarly, the amnesty scheme was also extended to aliens to voluntarily surrender their CNICs obtained from NADRA through illegal means.

The Minister also approved reward scheme for general public who would help NADRA in identifying CNIC issued to aliens, either through sms, calls or personal reporting by individuals in any of its centre across the country.

On the directions of the Minister, a new directorate with special operations of re-verification of CNICs had been set-up in NADRA headquarters. The details of helpline centre and sms alerts would also be shared by NADRA with the public through mass media.

The minister gave six months deadline to NADRA for re-verification of the CNICs, declaring the process as an important matter for the national security.”

The Minister directed NADRA officials to utilize all resources for achieving this objective of removing aliens from its database.