NESR data helpful for census, serves other social services: NA Speaker


ISLAMABAD: National Socio Economic Registry (NESR) data collected on latest scientific grounds will help in compiling census data besides serving number of other social services.

Speaker National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq here on Wednesday said not only poverty data but other services like identifying localities for creating awareness on health care, disability, epidemic etc. vocational training according to the requirement of the native people would also be possible through utilizing these figures.

Speaking as chief guest at the inaugural session of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) at international conference on NESR, he shared that reservation of few groups regarding failing of this data collection methodology had already faded out due to its positive results.

He said, it was a multi-dimensional data collection approach which would provide space to us in next world, adding that welfare of BISP beneficiaries was our prime objective.

The first international conference has been commenced to analyze the benefits of NESR data and approaches used for its collection and its implication for assisting general public.

Veteran politician Shahnaz Wazir Ali stated that almost for last one decay, social safety net of BISP had always been encouraged by every political government.

Now the technological expertise developed by BISP had made it a role model for international world under the able guidance of Chairperson Marvi Memon whose visionary approach had raised it to such a height that it upheld number of other services, She added.

Shahnaz Wazir Ali opined “our future generation will also be apprised with this mechanism as they will have to carry forward this process and play their role for improving it according to latest trends”.

Chairperson BISP Marvi Memon said they had closed compiling of data in four districts under pilot phase of BISP poverty re-survey following desk approach on January 31.