ISLAMABAD: National Assembly on Wednesday passed a unanimously resolution to express solidarity with Rohingyan Muslims in Myanmar, condemning the ongoing waive of violence and grave human rights violations in Burma .
The resolution, moved by Minister for Law and Justice Zahid Hamid, called upon the international community especially the human rights council to urge the Myanmar government and ensure realization of rights of the Rohingya Muslims, investigate the incidents of human rights violations and hold the perpetrators accountable for such violations.
It also urged the international community to provide humanitarian assistance to Rohingyan Muslims.
The resolution reaffirmed the Charter of the United Nations including the principle of Humanitarian intervention and International Covenants on civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights.
The resolution recalled resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Council on situation of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
It condemned the ongoing violence and grave human rights violations of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar which had led to their genocide.
The resolution deplored the systematic and organized destruction of villages and homes of Rohingya Muslims.
The resolution commended the perseverance and courage of Rohingya Muslims in the face of server adversity, conveying deepest sympathy and condolence to the victims of these brutalities and their families.
The resolution reaffirmed Pakistans unwavering solitary with the Rohingya Muslims for the realization of their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
It underscored the need to resolve and address the underlying causes in Pakhine state which has led to the incidents of violence and discrimination.
The resolution recognized the importance of bringing Rohingya Muslims in the mainstream through effectively political and socio-economic measures.
It noted that the UN had declared Rohingya Muslims as one of the most persecuted minorities with have suffered serious human rights violations.
The minister also read out the statement of the Foreign Office and condemned the ongoing violence and grave human rights violations of the Rohingya Muslims and asked the Myammar government to take action against the people involved in this hence crime٫