Modi’s remarks dismays Zadari


ISLAMABAD: Former President Asif Ali Zardari has expressed dismay over the remarks of Indian Prime Minister Modi in Bangladesh over the events of 1971 and accusing yet again Pakistan of sponsoring terrorism describing them as unwarranted.

“Such unwarranted comments by the Indian Prime Minister are not conducive to the normalization of relations between the two countries which is the expressed desire of the governments of Pakistan and India as well as of the over one billion peoples of the two countries,” Zardari said in a statement today.
“Terrorism is a common enemy of the people of the region and fighting it requires that we join hands, not point accusing fingers at one another,” he said.

The former President said that the events of 1971 form a bitter chapter of our history and perspectives on it vary from person to person and region to region.

No useful purpose will be served by opening wounds inflicted by past events from just one perspective to the exclusion of other perspectives, he said.