LAHORE: Secretary General, Jamaat e Islami, Liaqat Baloch, has said that Indian Prime Minister Modi was bent on plunging the region into a war but the Pakistani rulers were not ready to give up their dilly dallying and false expectations from the Indian leadership.
Addressing the participants of the JI central workshop for party workers at Mansoora on Tuesday, he said that in the past, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had high expectations from former Indian Premiers Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh and now he was hoping much from Modi.
He said that cross border firing at the LoC and unprovoked shelling at the border by India had become a routine but the rulers were not prepared to raise a voice against India’s brutalities at any international forum.
The JI Secretary General said that the rulers policy had done great harm to the Kashmir cause and the Kashmiris were highly upset over that.
Liaqat Baloch said that the suicide attack in the city on Monday was a t national tragedy in which competent police officers Ahmed Mubeen and Zahid Gondal had lost their lives.

He said the bomber had struck the heart of the country in the back. He noted that despite a clear warning before hand, adequate security measures had not been adopted that reflected government’s failure.
He said that in view of the PSL Final scheduled in the Punjab capital and the protest of the Druggists and chemists, the government should have made fool proof security arrangements against any possible terrorist attack. But, he said, that instead of admitting its fault, the government was giving lame excuses.
The JI central leader said that the liberal and secular elements under the shadow of the rulers were making every effort to under the Islamic ideology and Islamic character of the country and link terrorism with Islam and the Muslims. There was also a conspiracy to amend the law relating to the Khatme Nubuwwat.
In fact, he said, the attitude of the rulers on these basic religious issues was not different from that of the Europe and the west.
The situation, he said, called for a complete unity of the religious forces in the country so as to defeat the secular, liberal elements, he added.
Liaqat Baloch said the year 2018 was the election year but the situation could change due to the Panama leaks case decision. He said the Panama leaks issue had exposed the rulers who were not in a position to defend their mega corruption.
He was confident that the JI would emerge as a big political force in the next elections. The JI was launching a big mass contact campaign so as to build public opinion against the feudal lords, vaderas and capitalists who had been plundering the national wealth and denying the common man his basic rights. The JI would be in a position to provide honest and competent leadership to the people at all levels, he added.