ISLAMABAD: The Penumbral Eclipse of Moon will occur on September 16/17, 2016 which would be visible in Pakistan like many other countries.
According to the Climate Data Processing Centre of Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), this lunar eclipse will be the last lunar eclipse of the year 2016.
The Penumbral Eclipse of Moon will be visible from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and West Pacific.
The Eclipse would begin at 21:55 PST on September 16 and the greatest Eclipse will be at 23:55 PST. The Eclipse would end at 01:54 PST on September 17.
The duration of the Penumbral Eclipse is likely to be three hours and 59 minutes according to the calculations.
The Penumbral Magnitude of Eclipse will be 0.9080 while the Umbral Magnitude will be – 0.0635.
During the penumbral lunar eclipse, the Earth’s main shadow does not cover the Moon.
As the Earth’s shadow (umbra) misses the Moon during a penumbral lunar eclipse, there are no other locations on Earth where the Moon appears partially or totally eclipsed during this event.
A penumbral lunar eclipse can be a bit hard to see as the shadowed part is only a little bit fainter than the rest of the Moon.