JI to launch campaign for farmers rights: Siraj


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the ruling elite sitting in Islamabad was least interested in solving the problems of the farmers. He has announced launching of a “Save the Kissan campaign” from tomorrow, October 4, at Rahimyar Khan.

Addressing a news conference at Mansoora on the second day of the JI central Shoora meeting going on in the city, Sirajul Haq said that the farmers and workers constituted a big majority of the country’s population which was being ignored by the rulers. He said the JI was the party of the poor workers and peasants and would stand by them in all circumstances. The Kissan Raj Tehrik aimed at ending the elite rule in the country and ensuring the election of the small peasants to the assemblies, he added.

Sirajul Haq said that the JI had decided to give effective representation to the women in the party Shoora. The women members of the Shoora would be elected by the women Arakan (members) of the party. The JI chief said that an increase in the strength of the armed forces did not mean weakening of the democratic system. Besides, he said that an increase in the clout of the armed forces had raised the country’s image.

Sirajul Haq said it was the duty of the government to carry the Karachi operation to its logical end. However, he said that the accused must be given the right of defense but providing them a chance to flee under any pressure would be tantamount to patronizing the criminals. He said that along with the Rangers, the political parties should step forward to gain nation’s confidence for the restoration of peace in Karachi The government should take the political parties into confidence on this score, he added. .

The JI chief said that MQM chief Altaf Husain’s outburst against the country and its  institutions had done great damage to the country’s image. He said that even now, Altaf Husain had simply expressed regrets. However, he said, if the MQM wanted to play a role in national politics, it must adopt a positive attitude. He said the efforts to restore pace in Karachi should not be allowed to be sabotaged. Karachi was not only mini Pakistan but also mini Muslim world and the nation wanted to see its light restored, he added.

Sirajul Haq said that the privatization of state institutions in the past had done  great harm to the national economy. Major state institutions were sold out on throw away prices which also rendered hundreds of thousands of workers jobless. He said that if the government did not abandon its programme for privatize more institutions, the workers all over the country would unite to defend their rights. He appreciated the statement of the Prime Minister and the Army Chief on the Kashmir issue and said this had given courage to the nation. He said the freedom movement in Held Kashmir was  continuing with full force and Pakistan must decide an effect strategy for the liberation of Kashmir  at this opportune time. He paid rich tributes to veteran Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Gilani and added that the unity of the Hurriyat conference leadership on one platform was a major achievement.