JI delegation to visit Afghanistan in June: Sirajul Haq


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq announced that JI delegation will pay visit to Afghanista in mid-June 2015 over invitation of Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani. He urged need of brotherly relations between both countries for longstanding peace establishment.

Sirajul Haq said that barricades were cleared for stable peace after withdrawal of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan. He said that Pakistan-Afghanistan ties should be established upon public-level but it should not be based on any specific group, political party or government. JI Ameer reiterated that strong and stable Afghanistan is completely in interest of Pakistan.

While addressing crowded press conference in Markaz-e-Islami in Peshawar, Siraj said that India also grabbed negative advantage of worsen ties between Pakistan and Afghanistan. JI Ameer said that a two-member delegation of JI Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) had earlier visited Afghanistan.

Sirajul Haq pressed unity of Muslim bloc and efforts for united currency and trading platform like European and Western countries. He said that JI delegation would hold meetings with all political parties in Afghanistan.

Commenting over Local Bodies’ election, Siraj said that the move would hail new political leadership which will root strong political culture in the country.

Sirajul Haq while answering a question over notice issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), Sirajul Haq said that JI has never violated any regulations and they would contact court to clarify their position.

He said that the move was questioned to dissociate election and electoral process by political leadership. He said that he should be given permission to go into public to get favour of locals for candidate of his political party. However, a minister or advisor shouldn’t be allowed to spend resources for his governmental status.