JI condemns new taxes on poultry


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Chief Sirajul Haq has condemned new taxes on poultry. He said that these new taxes would be ultimately transferred to common people.

He said in a statement that the burden of these taxes would fall on the general public and the prices of mutton and beef would also rise.

JI Chief called for withdrawal of the new taxes and reducing the existing taxes on poultry in the public interest.

The JI chief said that the mutton and beef prices were already high due to which the common man could not even think of having these. He said that poultry had been comparatively cheaper and the masses could afford it but the new taxes would raise its prices greatly.

Sirajul aq said thatShAQ Haq said that poultry was fulfilling 40 percent of meat requirement of the country. More than 1.8 million people were linked with this sector.

He continued that the current government was devastating the economy by its wrong and anti-people policies.