JI condemns Altaf’s outburst, calls for immediate action


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has strongly reacted to MQM leader Altaf Husain’s outburst and his invitation to NATO forces and India due to utter desperation.

In his reaction here on Sunday, he said that Altaf Husain’s utterances against the country and its institutions had fully exposed him. He has called upon the government not to remain silent on this statement, repatriate Altaf Husain and bring him to trial. He stressed upon the Pakistan government to lodge strong protest with the British government on Altaf’s conduct and deplored that Britain had provided protection to the absconders from this country and was allowing them full freedom to spread hatred against Pakistan and its institutions besides money=laudering The JI chief also urged the people of Karachi to take notice of Altaf Husain’s outburst who had begun a campaign to malign this country in the name of the Mohajirs.

The JI Secretary General Liaqat Baloch, in his reaction urged the Pakistan government, law enforcement agencies and the parliament to take notice of Altaf Husain assertions and take suitable action against the national villain. He said that Altaf Husain had committed crime against the country and the Pakistan government should immediately take up the matter with the British government and seek his extradition.  He said that Altaf Husain’s demand for NATO forces in Karachi was tantamount to treason against the country.

The JI central leader said that Altaf Husain and the criminal elements in the MQM were on the pay role of India’s secret service RAW and working on the agenda to destabilize this country and this was no secret. He said that cases were being registered against Altaf Husain all over the country on the charge of humiliating the people and the armed forces of Pakistan. The MQM was a fascist organization and Altaf Husain was acting as a plaything in the hands of foreign powers and acting on their bidding. He said that the operation in Karachi was imperative for national security, revival of the country’s economy and restoration of peace and it should continue till the logical end was achieved.