JI appeals SC to announce its verdict on the Panama case at the earliest

sirajul haq

LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has once again appealed to the Supreme Court to announce its decision of the Panama leaks case at the earliest and also to lay down a system for eradication of corruption from the country.

Addressing the participants of the JI central workshop going on at Mansoora through video-link, he said that after the Prime Minister, around 450 persons named in the Panama leaks and those who had devoured billions of the public money should also be brought to accountability and every penny of the public be recovered from them.

The JI also wanted the accountability of Asif Ali Zardari and Pervez Musharraf besides the political turncoats seeking refuge through party change, he added.

Siraju Haq said the rulers had tried their best to escape accountability and to mislead the masses by leveling false allegations against the state institutions but had failed. The Supreme Court, he said, had admitted that the Prime Minister and his family had failed to give their money trail.

Similarly, he said, sufficient material had also come to surface against Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and Defense Minister Khwaja Asif which proved that all the eggs in the government basket were rotten.

He said that the JI wanted to bring about a change through democratic means. He said that corruption and democracy could not go together and it was essential to weed out the corrupt people from politics through vote in the next elections.

He urged the Election Commission to ensure electoral reforms before the next elections to prevent the election of the corrupt through the power of wealth. He said that present system served the interest of the wealthy and feudal lords and capitalists against honest and patriotic persons with limited means.