It’s a time to maintain wardrobes of all family members, here’s how


We believe all clothing brands in Pakistan have excellent variety, so they may accomplish all their targets by using correct branding strategies and by maintaining their product category extension.

This is the best time for all clothing brands of Pakistan to satisfy the complete household members as summer season is a shopping season for irrespectively any of the gender for completing all accessories collection, as many of our traditions (Eid-ul-fitr, Eid-ul-Adha etc.) are celebrated during this season.

All famous Pakistani brands are been competing well in fashion and textile industry. Majority of them are affordable brands, for almost every class of our society (middle, upper-middle and high class) apart from their luxury pret. According to some previous research articles textile industry contributes 8.5% to the GDP of Pakistan, this sector employees 45% of the total labor force in the country and 38% of the manufacturing workers. To this context clothing brands belonging from textile industry directly or indirectly are contributing in the economic sector of Pakistan. Females in Pakistan are the most dominant purchasers in almost every family, as they are the one to select what to purchase for their kids, husbands and other members, basically females are given more preference for shopping and other preferences are given to males. Females are quite choosy, selective and they also take cultural values, norms into account while buying goods and consuming services, gratefully most clothing brands of our beloved country “Pakistan” respect the opinions of their consumers and sell standard things (clothes, accessories etc.), they don’t even keep anything in their outlets which is prohibited in our society.

Few of our clothing brands proudly are crossing the borders and are going international, such brands have set complete set of attributes and have assigned a complete meaning of their brands to a consumer’s mind this is known as brand positioning and differentiation strategy. Those brands who want to go international but have not yet accomplished this target, the reason is they have not used appropriate methods to spread awareness, this issue is considered as brand awareness issue and they have not extended their product line/category extension. There are many marketing theories like Aaker model, Kevin Way Keller theory, Ansoff’s matrix to cure branding issues. These theories suggests a brand to first identify itself completely, assign a meaning of their brand to their consumers, through this consumers then associate a feeling, an emotion with a particular brand –this act is called a consumer’s response , in the end a relationship is built between a consumer and a brand.

Moreover it also happens that sometimes your core brand is been successful but your sub brands remain unsuccessful, this again happens due to inappropriate branding strategies, to cure these issues, a brand or a company should look up for further alternatives like from the total advertising expenses occurred in their core brand, the half of them or the quarter of them should be invested on their sub brand this is known as advertising cost strategy. It is an era of digitalization, so brands who have been facing these issues should avoid the usage of TV commercials, talk shows as these are old traditional ways for publicity and promotion and should go digital instead like by creating shareable Info graphics (a graphical presentation of your overall brand), should take advantage of social media applications and campaigns (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook etc.), should improve their SEO with user related keywords (a technique to incorporate your keywords in a manner when your target market is looking for related brands, so they may reach to you), this is known as Google analytics and Google trends data.

A correct branding strategy will result in huge market share and sales, a new perception is built in consumers mind due to this they will give a direct response, if they had any prior negative exposure they will even forget that through new perception. Few consumers are price sensitive but the best quality and loyal brand even enable those consumers to buy as they are paying a premium price and good branding strategies will also result in launching new products within the same category or within the same line extension as consumers are already satisfied with your core brand so they will trust the further categories too, in this way all of your brands are intensified whereas the meaning of your brand becomes more clear.

Article is contributed by:

Fatima Feroz, student of BBA program at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Sana Zulfiqar Ali, student of BBA program at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Muhammad Furqan, student of BBA program at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University