Israel’s 130 km occupation corridor


Militias backed by Iran have increased activity in the Syrian region to take control of the border from Iraq to Syria, Turkey’s Yeni Safak claims.

Abu Mehdi al-Mühendisi, a commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces group of Tehran-backed groups, said after his capture of the Iraqi Baac border region that his aim was to control the corridor to Lebanon, providing links to the fighting troops in Syria.

“Our next target is the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh,” said al-Mühendisi.

“Shiite corridor” stretching between Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus and Lebanon is the ultimate goal of Iran-backed militias.

Iran, Israel and the US

Apart from Iran, the US also has the goal of establishing a terrorist state in the south of Turkey. The terrorist corridor project to reach the Mediterranean by the US-supported PYD terrorist organization stretches from Qandil, Sinjar, Yaribya, Qamishli, Kobani, Tel Abayd, Jarabulus, Azez and Afrin.

Israel is the third power trying to impose a similar strategy in Syria. The Zionist state wants to dominate the 130-kilometer corridor, starting from the Golan in the south of Syria and extending into the Kuneytra, Damascus and the Dera countryside, stretching up to the Lebanon-Jordan border.

Major military drills in Cyprus

The Israeli army conducted military exercises at the Golan and Najaf, as well as in Cyprus.

The last of the exercise series was performed in the mountains of southern Cyprus-Trodos on June 12. A large number of helicopters, armored carriers and commando units participated in the exercise.

Golan, which Israel occupied in 1967, is still referred to as the ‘Occupied Syrian Territories’ by the UN resolutions numbers 248 and 338. There are approximately 20,000 Syrian citizens and roughly 15,000 Jewish invaders in Golan.

Exile of Turkmens from Golan

With the Israeli occupation that started in Golan in 1967, 180,000 Turkmen were driven away from their homes.

Many of the Turkmens who migrated to regions in Damascus were forced to migrate yet again following the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

Prepared to occupy a 130-kilometer area in this area, Israel wants to establish a secure line along the border between Lebanon and Jordan in the Syrian territory.

About 20,000 civilians live in the Golan area. “A possible Israeli occupation in the Kuneytra and Dera districts resulted in the emigration of 1.5 million civilians”, said to Abdulkerim Ağa, a member of the Golan Turkmens and the former executive on the Board of the Turkmen Assembly, in a statement to Yeni Şafak.

“Israel will use the Turkmen minority for the corridor it plans to pass along the border,” he said.