Intermediate exams scheduled on May 2 postponed due to Shab-e-Baraat

Class 9th and 10th exams postponed in Karachi

KARACHI: Intermediate board examinations scheduled on May 2, 2018 have been postponed to May 17, 2018 due to Shab-e-Baraat, a notification issued on Saturday said.

According to the notification by the Board of Intermediate Education, Physics Paper-II Science (Pre-Engineering, Science General and Pre-Medical) and Accounting Paper-II Commerce (Regular and Private) papers, originally scheduled on May 2, will now be held on May 17.

Business Mathematics Paper-I (Failures), originally scheduled on May 17, has been postponed to May 18.

The holy occasion of Shab-e-Baraat will be observed with reverence and religious zeal across the country on the night between May 1 and May 2.