Interior minister terms opposition’s movement as ‘anti-state’


ISLAMABAD: Terming the opposition parties’ movement as anti-state, the interior minister has said that the ‘anti-state’ rallies cannot be allowed in the name of democracy. 

In a statement, Interior Minister Ejaz Shah said that Nawaz Sharif was a culprit who had fled the country using an excuse of ailment.

The former prime minister is promoting the ‘anti-state propaganda’ while sitting in London, the minister added.

He questioned why a finger is being raised on the transparency of elections after two years. The opposition should approach the concerned forum against the rigging in the elections.

Earlier on Sunday, Federal Interior Minister Ejaz Shaz alleged that both the PML-N and the PPP had pushed the country to total collapse.

Speaking to the media,  the interior minister had said that a nation could not progress without a justice. Occupied Kashmir was given to India under a conspiracy in the past. Conspiracies against Pakistan are still being hatched, he added.