Imran Khan to seek legal help over nephew’s treatment


LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Friday vowed to pursue the case of his nephew Abdullah’s treatment by Punjab police.

In series of tweets after his nephew Abdullah’s photos landed on social media, Imran Khan directly blamed the Punjab government for doing this to the boy only because he is Imran Khan’s nephew.

PTI chief maintained that he can vouch for the positive character of both of his nephews as they grew up before him.

“They  would never have said they were my nephews as they have not done that ever in the past”, tweeted Khan.

It must be noted that on Wednesday evening,  Khan’s nephews Azeem and Abdullah were arrested with police sources claiming that the duo allegedly abused, assaulted and threatened a traffic warden, who stopped them for not wearing a seat belt. A local court on Thursday granted them bail but the duo complained that a traffic warden Shakeel Ahmed tortured them and later police too joined in while they were held in custody overnight.

A PTI activist also uploaded the video showing both the boys being brutally tortured.