How to get residence visa for your wife, children in UAE


A sizeable chunk of the working population in the UAE lives away from their family.

Most of them come to the country leaving behind their parents, and some even have to leave their wives and children behind.

Sponsoring the immediate family to the UAE is a relatively inexpensive affair.
Your monthly salary should be Dh4,000, or Dh3,000 plus accommodation, in order for you to be eligible to sponsor your wife and children. If you are sponsoring your parents, your salary should be Dh20,000.

If they are outside the UAE, you should first apply for an entry residence visa, and once they arrive, you have 30 days to apply for the residence stamp.

Documents required include the typed application form, salary certificate, labour card, labour contract, attested marriage certificate, attested birth certificate of children, bank statement of three months, attested tenancy contract and Emirates ID.

The marriage certificate — in case the marriage has taken place in your home country — should be attested there by the relevant ministry, and finally stamped by the UAE embassy/consulate in that country.

Then, it needs to be cross-attested by the relevant ministry in the UAE.

An important point to note is that for the family member’s residence visa to remain valid, he/she should not be out of UAE for more than six months at a stretch.