Honest Palestinian bus driver returns $10,000 to Jewish owner


AL-QUDS: A Palestinian bus driver in Israel has returned $10,000 (8,500 euros) to a Jewish man who left it in his vehicle, police and the driver said Wednesday.

“The Tel Aviv police received the amount of $10,000 from an Arab bus driver from the area of Beit Hanina in east Al-Quds,” police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.

“One of the passengers had left it on the bus.”

The passenger had forgotten the cash in Bnei Brak, a city near Tel Aviv dominated by ultra-Orthodox Jews.

The driver for the private company, 35-year-old Ramadan Jamjoum, told AFP the money was in a bundle that had fallen.

“I tried to tell him but he didn´t hear me as he was on the phone, but afterwards I informed the company and submitted the money.”

He said the cash “did not tempt him” as “it is my duty morally and religiously, and to my God and my work, to return the money.”
Jamjoum did not receive any reward apart from a certificate of thanks from his company.