Hindu Taliban ruling over India: British newspaper

'Indian PM Modi may visit Pakistan within a month'

A British newspaper website on Friday said India was being ruled by Hindu Taliban and Narendra Modi was clamping down on tolerance and freedom of expression.

Modi’s trip to United Kingdom has become tough for his as the media has started criticizing his extremist policies. ‘In Britain we have a responsibility to speak out against it,’ said the Guardian.

‘He (Modi) won’t be seriously called to account for human rights abuses or systematic thuggery. If there is one thing that has marked the man’s first year and a half in power it is this: he is not a man who takes kindly to scrutiny or criticism. In fact, he has used the very economic agenda that causes Britain to turn a blind eye to his regime’s human rights abuses to muzzle dissent within India,’ the writer said.

A Hindu version of the Taliban is asserting itself, in which Indians are being told: ‘It’s either this view – or else.’ A friend told of the writer told him: ‘There is huge oppression of anyone who’s different.’ Last month, dozens of Indian writers handed back their literary awards in protest, following communal violence against Muslims and attacks on intellectuals, the newspaper further reported.