Hands of the masses now reaching the neck of the so called public representatives: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the hands of the masses were now reaching the neck of the so called public representatives who had been cheating the masses for decades and the 26th of July would bring the message of a defeat of the colonial powers’ tools and the true freedom for the nation.

Addressing a big pubic meeting at Maidan in Lower Dir, he said that the days ahead would guarantee the revival of the country’s image and progress and prosperity of the people. He said that if the nation made the right decision on the 25th of July, no thug or plunderer would be able to make his way to the corridors of power in the future.

The JI chief slated the fresh raise in the POL prices and said that the care taker government did not have mandate for that. He called for the immediate withdrawal of the raise.

He said that as the polling day was drawing nearer, the corrupt and dishonest candidates were in distress and the corrupt feudal lords and capitalists were seeing their defeat written on the wall because the people were demanding an explanation for their past miseries and hardships.

Sirajul Haq said that those having been in power three times were again trying to hoodwink the electorate but the people were not ready to trust them anymore.

He said that if the corruption to the tune of twelve billion rupees daily was controlled and the heavy amounts of the Pakistanis lying in banks abroad were retrieved, the country could be freed from the clutches of the IMF and World Bank and other foreign donors and the pressure of the world powers.