Green Line a reliable, affordable, high speed mass transit system for Karachiites


KARACHI: Construction of Green Line Bus Rapid Transit in metropolis will provide Karachiites a reliable affordable and high speed mass transit system.

Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif had announced extension of Green Line BRTS from Guru Mandir onwards to Central Business District (CBD) on February 26, this year.

The proposed extension is likely to benefit additional passenger trips to be accounted for in the ongoing feasibility of the route alignment.

The total length of the route from KESC Power House, Surjani Town to Municipal park, M.A Jinnah Road is 21 .7 km, a dedicated BRT corridor with 10 kms at-grade and 11 .7 kms (10.7 kms + 1 km Board Office lnterchange / loop) of elevated sections.

It will have 22 bus stations provided with all necessary facilities including covered escalators, stairs, elevators, modern ticket counters, waiting area and other passenger amenities.

Karachi Infrastructure Development Company Limited was incorporated as a Section 32 Public Limited Company on June 2nd, 2015, working under the Ministry of Communications, to execute the priority PSDP project “Green Line Bus Rapid Transit System in Karachi, at a cost of Rs 16,085.10 Million.

After completion of the project, Karachi will have its first-ever Mass Transit being reliable, affordable, high speed mass transit system that will provide timely and convenient service to the commuters, thereby improving quality of life and reducing congestion on the roads.

The project will have daily ridership of 400,000 passengers with highest full day boarding at one station of 50,000 passengers.

Green Line being a high capacity BRT corridor, will be able to cater to the high demand of at least 20 years through future development impacts northward of the city and be able to release pressure on the existing parallel street network.

Green Line Bus Rapid Transit is the first project in Pakistan where relocation/ transplantation of trees / plants is being carried out under monitoring of lndependent Consultant. 7,321 trees/plants will be removed along the corridor and 19,500 new plants will be planted.

 Out of the 7,321 trees being removed, 800 trees will be transplanted in the gardens of Quaid-e-Azam mausoleum under MoU signed with the Quaid -e-Azam Mazar Management Board.

Transplantation has started and 09 trees have been successfully transplanted. Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been approved by the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency and is being complied in letter and spirit.