Greater the social media use, higher the body image concerns


ISLAMABAD: Logging on to social media sites frequently throughout the week puts you at a greater risk of developing eating and body image concerns, suggests a recent study.

Gender, specific age, race and income did not influence the association. The University of Pittsburgh study found that all demographic groups were equally affected by the link between social media and eating and body image concerns, indicating that preventative messages should target a broad population.

Lead author Jaime E. Sidani said  “We’ve long known that exposure to traditional forms of media, such as fashion magazines and television, is associated with the development of disordered eating and body image concerns, likely due to the positive portrayal of ‘thin’ models and celebrities.”

Social media combines many of the visual aspects of traditional media  with the opportunity for social media users to interact and propagate stereotypes that can lead to eating and body image concerns, said the  study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Dr. Sidani and her colleagues sampled 1,765 U.S. adults ages 19 through 32 in 2014, using questionnaires to determine social media use.

The participants who spent the most time on social media throughout the day had 2.2 times the risk of reporting eating and body image concerns, compared to their peers who spent less time on social media.

And participants who reported most frequently checking social media throughout the week had 2.6 times the risk, compared with those who checked least frequently.