Future of Pakistan could turn if youth gets activated: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq said the JI-led “Corruption Free Pakistan” campaign got significant popularity across the country within only 4-5 months after its initiation. He said future of the country could be changed if youths stood up against anti-state elements.

Sirajul Haq was addressing a convention organised by JI Youth Punjab chapter at Mansoora here on Saturday. He said youths have always played role of vanguard of any movement and they always brought revolution in different societies.

ISLAMABAD: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer, Senator Sirajul Haq, Mian Maqsood Ahmed, Zubair Ahmed Gondal addressing representatives of Executive Youth Council, Punjab at Mansoora. Rasool Khan Baber, Mian Usman Javaid, Suhaib Shairf and Fareed Razzaqi are also present.

JI Punjab chief Mian Maqsood Ahmed while addressing the occasion said JI Youth Wing will gather youths in the province just like it did in other provinces. He said whole leadership is completely focused to gather youths, adding that youths were appealed to play their role for bringing positive change in the country.

JI Youth Wing’s central president Zubair Ahmed Gondal said Pakistani youths are standing besides Sirajul Haq and mission provided by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). He announced for using all capabilities as per expectations of the leadership for ongoing “Corruption Free Pakistan” campaign.